Thursday, December 29, 2011

Getting back to normal

I know, I haven't posted since December 15th and it's time to catch up.

In the week leading up to Christmas I got really sick and just tried to make it through each day alive.
On one of those mornings,Violet discovered kleenex and toilet paper, so I just let her trash the place. These simple pleasures entertained her for almost an hour, so I just lay on the couch and watched her roll and pull it apart everywhere. Let's just say she decorated our home to look like a winter wonderland.

Our Christmas was lovely. - We got to see a lot of family and friends and enjoyed the season with music, tasty dinners and pies and cookies and Christmas special movies and books and lots of twinkly lights, etc. I won't go into details because to be honest it was a bit of a whirlwind and I don't have a lot of photos to post because we mainly videotaped everything instead.

So this week we're getting our space cleaned up and organized and ready for *someone's* first birthday...

I can't believe we're here already.